Wednesday, October 30, 2019

History of Germany Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

History of Germany - Essay Example This stance humiliated that nation brisling with ego, and became one of the many reasons for the Second World War. After the Second World War, the reluctant participant United States, emerged as the super power, and dictated her terms to war-weary countries of Europe during the end stages of the war. European countries had to accept all the demands of US most of them willingly, some of them with reservations. A comparison between French demands after First World War and US demands after the Second World War, and in this comparison, we find that more of contrast lay in the altered circumstances. France acted purely on an instinct of her national survival, whereas US had hidden her intentions. France needed Germany to be humiliated and pay back for her foolhardiness, whereas US acted mainly on her self-interest with an additional desire to see Europe and the rest of the world secure without being plagued by further wars. This intention is rather remote compared to self-gratification. After Second World War, Germany was no doubt treated badly, but was made to feel that she too is one of the European countries. Even though the persecution continued for a long time, other nations and US (mainly during Kennedy regime) were ready to forgive and forget the past. The self-interest of United States was acutely apparent in every demand, be it about European countries, territory of maintenance or military presence in Europe, it had shades of world welfare in it. At least it was presented so. In comparison, we can state that both countries needed to create a war free secure future and acted with that appreciable instinct and desire. France might have been a little undiplomatic, but we say that with the benefit of a long hindsight. US has fared better and built for herself and others a much better future, while keeping German resurrection under check, without depriving Germany much of her dignity.================= ESSAY: French demands after the First World War and the American demands after the Second World War have been compared and contrasted many times by historians. Even though French demands are known to be more aggressive and thoroughly vindictive, they had a short term affect, while the American demands after Second World War, solicitous to Europe, were well calculated and had a very long-term results. Perhaps eventually, it led to the formation of a European Union. United States of America, without Europe on its side, is a bit of loner, a kind of world bully. America and European countries have helped each other over the years. In both cases, Germany was victimised with good reasons, and with the hindsight, Germany has shaken off her past and is a confirmed democratic nation today. Europe was dominated by America and her demands after Second World War and later, some regions, by Soviet block. Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau rightly said, "Yes, we have won the war and not without difficulty; but now we are going to have to win the peace, and that will perhaps be even more difficult". Perhaps France, suffered more than any other country in Europe from the First World War and was determined not to put herself in such jeopardy again, and this resolve reflected in her demands after the world war. One look at the sacrifices made by France, her loss for no fault of hers, her sinking low in the ranks of world powers entirely due to war, no one could blame her for being vindictive or

Monday, October 28, 2019

Opportunity Assessment Essay Example for Free

Opportunity Assessment Essay Explain the purpose and value of a business plan to a new or existing business. There is a whole host of reasons to justify the preparation of a business plan, not just for business start-up enterprises, but as a model of good practice for established organizations. First, the process of producing a business plan acts as a very efficient method of focusing the ideas of entrepreneurs in terms of defining their objectives and assessing their own abilities to organize and run the business. A business plan also acts as a means of testing the viability of the business proposal before actually committing its proposers to any substantial expenditure or investment. As there are relatively few entrepreneurs who have the resources to be totally self-financing, most are faced at some point in time with the need to raise external finance. The possession of a business plan is crucial to the business’ future; an appointment with the financier or bank manager who is a potential investor or source of loan to discuss a proposal is a bit like an audition in a Hollywood film – if they blow their lines, they blow their chances, or at least, they reduce their prospects of getting the part they want. Written business plans are essential to guide bankers, lenders or investors in understanding and monitoring the financial strength of the business entity. So the most important thing is to prepare the plan thoroughly and to present it in a professional and competent manner. The elements of a business plan is primarily for the benefit of the lending institution and should not be confused with the strategic or detailed operating plans the business may use for internal management purposes. The kind of business plan any banker, lender or investor looks for should provide broad-based financial and organizational information. It should be made available upon submission of the initial credit request and updated periodically thereafter. Financial statements, together with management’s analysis of financial performance, for the past three-year period are especially essential. In addition, the banker, lender or investor will want to see financial performance projections for the coming two or three years. Define the term `micro business` and outline the contribution micro business make to the Australian economy. The term micro business tends to better describe the smallest niche within the small business world. A micro business is, in general, fewer than ten people and includes some unique needs to that space. It typically requires less than US$15,000 in start-up capital, which means that it does not have access to the commercial banking sector because initial loan needs are usually less than US$15,000. In most micro-enterprises, the owner is the sole operator and worker. The capital needs of micro-businesses are too small to be of interest to formal financial markets, yet too large to be covered by the personal means of business starters particularly if they come out of precarious situations. In more cases than not, micro business owners mix personal expenses with business expenses, clouding the company’s functional cost relationships and making ratio analysis very difficult. Typical micro business operators only keep cash records during the year. They present a shoe-box of records to their accountants at year end. They only use their accountant to generate a tax return and set of accounts, which might be received six months after the year end. Market niches tend to be defined geographically. Typically, competitive businesses turn over very rapidly, with frequent new entrants to the market, many ownership changes, and a high percentage of bankruptcies and liquidations. Micro business is a key niche to keep in mind in today’s economy and a field that is quickly starting to gain enterprise attention. The economic significance of micro-businesses to the economy of Australia as well as to the global economy is highly acknowledged. This is for the reason that the involvement that micro-businesses create for both employment and the income it produces. Micro-businesses put in $20,193 million to the Australian industry’s GNP and provide work for more than 1/3 of micro-business workers (Khosrowpour 525). Briefly explain the role market research plays in the evaluation of a business opportunity. An entrepreneur must make a commitment to pursuing a business opportunity long before the outcome of that decision is known. How can he know whether the opportunities he is pursuing have a perfect fit with the marketplace, need to be expedited on a rush basis, and are the right decisions to go ahead with? Market research is the answer. Market research is the compilation and examination of any trustworthy information that improves managerial decisions. An entrepreneur needs to do market research to identify and assess an opportunity. Intuition, personal expertise, and passion can take businessmen only so far. Both traditional and nontraditional marketing research can be used to assess opportunity. Research is vital in strategic evaluation if new ideas for diversifying the business are evaluated or tested out. A company entering a new market with a new product is unlikely to know much about that market, and is going to be dependent on good information for decision making for developing sales of the new product and services. The research is likely to reduce the uncertainty about pursuing the diversification opportunity, and to help managers to plan, based on known and defined customer needs. In all practical terms, the application of market research to identify problems and opportunities and to evaluate programs of activity is as important as in other areas of marketing communications. It is the methodical and objective recognition, compilation, study and distribution of information for the intention of supporting business decision-making activities connected to the detection and resolution of business troubles and prospects. Certainly market research plays an important role in business decision making, but ultimate success in markets is determined by many other factors, not least the commitment of the team, the size and mix of marketing budget, and the ability to react to unforeseen problems. Briefly describe the process by which the total cost price of a product or service is established. Pricing, as a process, can simply be defined as setting or adjusting a price charged to a customer in exchange for a good or service. The need for correct pricing decisions has become even more important as global competition has become more intense. Organizations that have been successful in making profitable pricing decisions have been able to raise prices successfully or reduce prices without competitive retaliation. Pricing policy cannot be established in a vacuum. The selling price of the product or service should be consistent with the entrepreneur’s marketing goals, the image he or she is attempting to project, and the perceptions and expectations of the target market. Also, the pricing decision must be viewed as in interactive process in that there is a strong need for cross-functional interaction. It should be clear that effective pricing decisions involve considerations of many factors, and no single model will fit all pricing decisions. While all pricing decisions cannot be made strictly on the general model to be presented in the next paragraph, it does break pricing strategy into a set of manageable stages that are integrated into the overall marketing strategy. Given a product or service designed for a specific target market, the pricing process begins with a clear statement of the pricing objectives. These objectives guide the pricing strategy and should be designed to support the overall marketing strategy. The evaluation of the relationship of product or service to pricing with respect to the distinctiveness, perishability and stage of the life cycle a product/service is in all affect pricing. In addition, marketers need to consider what value the product/service has for customers and how price will influence product/service positioning. The other components of the marketing mix need to be also examined in relation to the pricing component, in order to arrive at a total price. Although the main basis should be the product or service cost, marketers should combine various criteria in setting prices rather than considering only the costs. What is the difference between a projected Profit and Loss Statement and a Projected Cash Flow? Why do you need both? There are several distinctions between projected cash flow and projected profit and loss statement. Although both are only estimates, one difference is that the projected cash flow statement will record budgeted cash receipts from customers, while the projected income statement will show forecast revenue for the period. Further, the projected cash flow statement will record budgeted cash payments to suppliers, while the projected income statement will show forecast of sales, which will reflect opening inventory, plus purchases, less closing inventory. Furthermore, the projected cash flow statement shows the budgeted cash payments for the expenses such as wages, electricity and rates while the projected income statement will record the expenditure expected to be consumed in the period, reflecting any accounts or prepayments. Lastly, the projected cash flow will reflect the cost of purchasing a non-current asset at the expected date of purchase and the proceeds at the date of sale, while the projected income statement will record a depreciation charge for the consumption of the asset and a profit or loss on disposal. The business needs both of these projected statements because they are important tools of financial analysis. Projected cash flow statement, for instance, is a point of comparison for actual cash flow statement so that the firm can find out the variation and take necessary remedial measures. It also helps in overcoming the problem of meeting deficit cash or investment of surplus cash because projected cash flow is usually prepared on the basis of the past year’s experience. Using the cash flow forecast enhances the business’ versatility and allows it to adjust its planning horizon as the business grows. A projected income statement is likewise an invaluable tool. It will help the business estimate its approximate income and expenses in the short term, from months to a few years. It will give a gauge to judge the financial progress of the company. Outline the legal avenues available to an individual to protect intellectual property. Even though it is an intangible term for a theoretical concept, intellectual property is nevertheless completely well-known to practically everybody. While the underpinnings of material property rights are clear, those of intellectual property rights appear clouded. Intellectual property rights have seen perceptible, indeed substantial extensions in the last decade alone. Copyrights, service marks, trademarks and patents are all types of intellectual property, and are avenues for individuals in the United States to protect their intellectual property. The examination of intellectual property law is significant since intellectual property is captivating an escalating implication worldwide. Copyright and trademarks are directly related to the Web, patents less so except if the thing being patented is a new type of technology that affects how the Web is actually used. Trademarks and service marks are used to protect logos, unique elements, phrases, services and official names that have sufficient distinctive character by which the government recognizes the concept as being unique and wholly owned by the individual. At common law, the individual who utilized a symbol or mark to classify a company or manufactured good was sheltered in the employment of the trademark. Service marks protect services rather than products, which is its main difference with trademark, in where the later protects products. Copyright protects everything that goes into a website or in print. It provides the inventor of a work the right to the restricted utilization of that said work for a certain time. Copyright infringement is all too common, often resulting in lawsuits in which individuals receive handsome compensation for having their work ripped off. A patent is a government endowment that bestows an inventor the private right to produce, utilize and put up for sale the invention for a time of twenty years since the time of filing a request for a patent. If a firm produces, utilize and put up for sale a patented blueprint, produce or procedure without the consent of the owner of the patent, it is obligated with the tort of patent infringement. What are the main advantages of operating your business as a company rather than as a sole trader or partnership? Are there any disadvantages? The primary advantage of operating the business as a corporation is protection against liability. The corporation can protect one’s personal assets in the event of a judgment against the business. This is because the corporation’s assets (cash, real estate, securities, accounts payable, etc. ) do not include one’s personal property and assets such as car, house, bank account, and other personal property. One’s personal property is considered separate from the property and assets of the corporation. A second advantage over sole proprietorship or partnership is organization and efficiency. No matter what form the business takes, keeping one’s personal and business finances and assets separate is crucial to the survival of the business. If one’s business and personal finances are intertwined, it will prove difficult and eventually impossible to sort them out to the satisfaction of say, banks and other financial institutions where one may be applying for business loans. A third advantage is savings. There are myriad instances where, as a corporation, one may be able to save on business costs – savings that might otherwise be unavailable to one as a sole proprietor or partnership business. For instance, business equipment amortization IRS allowance and schedules are generally more favorable for corporations than for individuals and partners. Also, financial institutions tend t give more favorable credit and lending rates to corporations as opposed to individuals and partners. The primary disadvantages, on the other hand, are the record-keeping that is required and the fact that corporations are subject to double taxation – the corporation pays taxes on its profits, and if one receives some of those profits as dividends, he/she will be taxed, too. Moreover, the business has to maintain minimal corporate formalities that will take some time and effort, including government regulation of the creation of the corporation, issuance of stock and operations of the organization. The lack of management skills is the cause of 92% of business failure. Does a successful business operator have to be expert or competent in all facets of business management? Long ago in business literature, experts have researched the role of the entrepreneur in firm failure. Managerial deficiencies, inexperience, and inefficiency are consistent themes in the literature explaining business failure. Researchers found that many firm characteristics – particularly decision-based ones – were directly related to the entrepreneurial characteristics. These included lack of insight, inflexibility, and emphasis on technical skills. Additionally, managerial deficiencies and the financial shortcomings of the entrepreneur also contributed to failure. Other researchers have further found support for the case that lack of management expertise along with financial matters was the most common causes of business failure. Some of these researchers pointed to poor management skills as the most frequently identified common theme in business failure. The significance that is placed on management deficiencies as a cause has therefore warranted a closer examination of the specific areas where these deficiencies are greatest. Although this is the case, it is often unfeasible for a business operator to be an expert on all facets of business management. This is the role of consultants; experts that business owners hire too assist in the facilitation of business management processes. The business operator may not possess the expert comprehension of the specialist (such as technology specialist) but it is the business operator who is familiar with the worth and the prospect of expert knowledge. Thus the management expert has specialized knowledge and the business operator has knowledge breadth and it is through the organization that the two kinds of knowledge are united to create wealth. The proven formula for success involves leveraging limited human and financial resources. For example, most business operators lack at least one critical management function, such as a controller or a sales manager. An outside accounting firm, a part-time employee, a channel partner, or a retired person could perform these functions. You have been approached by a person who has identified a business opportunity and who needs some assistance to evaluate it. Outline the advice you would give to such a person? An opportunity is not just an idea. A business opportunity must grow an idea with the potential to develop with the enterprise that has a reasonable chance to succeed. This means that all of the pieces of the puzzle must come together, and in the right order. There should first be the evaluation of external and internal factors that may influence the potential of the business opportunity. External analysis should consider both the general environment, and big picture, and the industry setting in which the venture might do business. Identifying potential affecters in the external environment is definitely worth the effort, but business concepts make sense only if they fit well with the internal potentials of the business. In other words, the entrepreneur’s understanding of potential business opportunities should be combined with insights into what the entrepreneur is able to do. With respect to the chosen sector/industry, learners need to know how to perform a systematic search for new business opportunities as well as how to analyze and evaluate them. There are many different tools identifying opportunities to determine ideas that are worthy of further development, like Drucker’s Seven Sources of Innovative Opportunity, Boston Consulting Group Matrix, GE Planning Grid, 7-S Model and Competitive Strength vs. Market Attractiveness Model. Assessment can be more ‘real world’ if the task of evaluation relates to an idea, plan or proposal with which an individual can identify personally. Determining whether an opportunity is possibly right for a company is not the same as deciding to enter a business, nor is evaluating an opportunity the same as evaluating a business plan. Grabbing a business opportunity is appropriate only after it has been determined that the opportunity itself is both valid and right for the company and the company has a business strategy and plan to which it is prepared to commit. Once a business has become established, it requires sound management systems to operate efficiently. Describe the system you would put in place to operate and control a small business. If the strategic objectives of the business are to be successfully implemented, then first, it is critical to identify the systems that will need to be in place in order to achieve them. The key management systems will typically be those that actively contribute towards the primary goals or profitability of the business. This includes the production functions that manufacture goods for sale and the sales and marketing that sell those goods to the customers. This is all about having the right resources in place to achieve the desired objectives of the business. Without these key systems in place, the strategic development of the business will not work, which is precisely why they must be right before anything can be started. The second stage is to ensure that the support systems are in place. These are the functions that enable the key systems to operate smoothly, such as the purchasing, stores, administration and distribution functions, not forgetting the management systems to organize and coordinate these. The third stage is to ensure that adequate monitoring and control systems are in place both to monitor the expansion of old or the implementation of new systems, and to monitor the efficacy of the whole strategic process and its component parts. In order to implement both the key systems and support systems, it will be necessary to produce an action plan which identifies the critical dates by which each one of these systems must be in place. The action plan should be regarded as a means to an end, as opposed to something that, once set, cannot be changed. Although it sets the guidelines and targets for the process, it must be flexible enough to account for, and respond to, any factors that are beyond the control of the process. The planning procedures must be, like the workings of each of the systems, subject to the same planning and review cycle if they are to function efficiently.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Pride And Prejudice :: essays research papers

Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice takes place in England during the 18th century, with an evident main them of courtship and marriage. The Bennet family consists of Jane, the eldest daughter, followed by Elizabeth, Mary, Kitty, and Lydia. Being girls, they will not benefit from their father’s will which leads to their mother’s obsession over finding husbands for them. Eventually in the end of the novel, everyone is settled and married, however Bingley and Jane, and Darcy and Elizabeth have comfortable futures to look forward to. Similar to other novels written by Jane Austen, the main theme is courtship and marriage. On a smaller scale, this novel also refers to the reality behind appearances and "truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.† (p.1) Out of the seven marriages throughout the novel, three would inevitably end in failure and two are a success. With Mr. Collins and Charlotte Lucas, their marriage is based on economics. Charlotte sacrifices her own happiness for financial security. In the case of Whickham and Lydia, only superficial qualities are considered which in time would separate them. Another example of a marriage like Whickam and Lydia’s is the marriage between Mr. and Mrs. Bennet. As for Jane and the Elizabeth, their marriages are based on calm judgement and are well considered with mutual feelings. Throughout the novel, many of the characters are deceived by appearances, although they become dearer near th e end. In this time frame, women view that men have responsibilities to society. Being unable to provide for themselves because of their ignorance in areas of business or commerce, men would ensure financial stability. Another aspect of Jane Austen’s writing is her use of dialogue. It reflects when less of the physical appearances were used, but more of the inner qualities were displayed, during her time period. Austen is interested in where people stand in society and their engagements in dialogue. Often, through dialogue, her characters are developed. With Austen’s main focus being conversation, much of her work must be able to relate parts of the novel together, interpret clues, and notice tone and meaning. I believe that the main characters of this novel are Darcy and Elizabeth. Referring to the title â€Å"pride† would represent Darcy and â€Å"prejudice† would represent Elizabeth. Elizabeth’s â€Å"propensity to hate everybody† (p.51) and vanity leads to her prejudice.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

American Well Case Writeup

American Well, a pioneer in online healthcare is at the crucial stage where the business opportunities look propitious at the same time it could make the company lose its perspective. It has the first-mover advantage with strong core competency. But still, some of the questions concerning the future of the company do needs to be addressed. Some of the main questions that American Well faces are 1. Introducing the product to new customer segments 2. Capturing the international market 3. Pushing the products beyond health care industry.American well is currently serving the connectivity between patients and physicians. The new product â€Å"Team Edition† will serve the connectivity between primary care physicians (PCPs) and the specialist. They are also considering the prospect of online health care to Hospitals, Retail clinics and Pharmacies. The adverse effect is it could be too soon for American Well to launch a new undertaking, given their core services has not yet been adop ted widely. Furthermore, this requires new hiring and additional funding. Stepping back has its own drawback of failing to capture the opportunity when there was demand.Meeting real-time excess demand with real-time excess capacity is a whole new world to be explored not only in health care but in many other industries. Also, the need for online health care has a great demand oversees too and American Well can explore its business in these new countries and can become a world leader in delivering virtual healthcare services in a many-to-many platform. Even though it is true that American Well has all the ideas and advantages – the main disadvantage is the lack of infrastructure and the awareness of an internet-based health service.There is still a lot of opportunities and work needed to be done with its present venture and stepping big foot too soon cannot be as beneficial for the company as it sounds. The â€Å"Team Edition† is an innovative product and the American W ell should concentrate on its existing customer base i. e. the payers. They should probably do extensive market research on all these new opportunities. A research team could be formed including members from American Well and personnel from top insurance companies to explore the scope of extending its services to hospitals and pharmacies.They should wait for the â€Å"spending freezes† to be over and need to analyze on how the new health reforms will affect the existing organization. Another conceivable strategy could be a hybrid of Direct-To-Customer model and Business-To-Business model. American Well can establish a DTC model where they would directly sign up patients and doctors to a nationwide system along with their existing B2B model. This will cover more customer base. The short term goal

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Summary of Debi Gerger’s Article

The article of Debi Gerger (2008), RDH, MPH, entitled ‘Xylitol several times a day†¦ may help keep caries away! ’ states that xylitol which is commercially available as a noncariogenic sugar substitute has the potential to reduce caries rates by preventing Mutans Streptococci growth. Gerger also mentions that to perform a caries risk assessment, pathological, risk factors and protective factors of caries must be first determined. After determining such factors, the next procedure would be determining the patient’s caries risk level.There are two approaches to determine risk levels including the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry’s Carries-Risk Assessment Tool (CAT) and the Caries Management by Risk Assessment (CAMBRA). According to Gerger’s article, managing dental carries include at-home and in-office recommendations. The at-home recommendations include daily oral hygiene with fluoride-containing toothpaste, mouth rinsing, drinking water, antibacterials and Xylitol-containing products.The in-office recommendations include dental procedures done by dental hygienists and dentist. In addition, Gerger’s article also mentioned that 25% of American children aged 2 to 5, and half of 12% of the ages 12 to 15 have tooth decay. He also mentions that tooth decay is highly infectious at any age bracket. Gerger states that Caries management with the use of xylitol decreases the amount of MS and raises the salivary pH level because MS is unable to metabolize xylitol and xylitol inhibits the attachment of MS to teeth.It is also said that xylitol is effective in preventing the transmission of the Mutans Streptococci frome parent to child (2008). Xylitol has been used since the early 1960s through infusion therapy and diabetic foods. It is a five-carbon sugar alcohol derived from forest and agricultural materials. Finnish researches are the first one to recognize its dental health benefits. Xylitol is commercially available in many forms which have different xylitol doses.For this reason, the patient is advised to check the xylitol content of a product to determine the needed dose to be taken (Gerger, 2008). Gerger argues that xylitol is a major addition to the treatment of caries. She proposes that considering the caries balance concept is vital to determine the appropriate recommendations. She also asserts that the prevention of the caries will be obtained by providing proper education by clinicians to their patients and producing xylitol-containing products.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Essay on Disney Scoping

Essay on Disney Scoping Essay on Disney Scoping Emina Hublic In order for the expansion of Disney to be successful, there are several workplace laws that must be fulfilled. The decisions within the Disney expansion and the actions within the legal system, contain evident consequences. For this reason, gaining an understanding of the rights and responsibilities, and of how the legal system functions, is the paramount of importance when it comes to making the right decisions when necessary. Occupational health and safety is said to be a disciplinary area that is a fundamental principle in which Disney must consider. This allows for the expansion of Disney to foster a safe and healthy working environment for the people. Upon expanding the company, there are responsibilities that they must ensure do not create health and safety problems for employers, employees and the general public. The Walt Disney company states 'The company aims to minimise risks and associated costs by providing professional technical services that foster the safest environment possible' (Safety and Security). The National Policy on Safety, Health and Environment at Work Place by the Government of India (International Labour Organization), is a law that is reviewed every five years. This law must be taken into consideration for the Goa expansion. By acknowledging and understanding the Workplace Health and safety laws, it will assist the company in avoiding further costs regarding damage, due to injur y and illness, thus allowing them to provide a strong foundation in order to achieve long-term success. If these laws are not followed, the indirect costs will intensify in damages, recruitment, as well as inefficiency. When expanding Disney, key elements can be practiced. For instance investigating and resolving complaints made by the public and employees, ensuring that suitable records are kept regarding health hazards and accidents, as well as promoting health and safety programs in order to gather information regarding existing potential hazards. Upon electing Goa as a desired destination, Government played a significant role in determining whether or not this destination was suitable. The trends within Goa have ruptured dramatically. The frequent changes within the Goan government has grown drastically (Rohit Joshi, 2014) resulting in political instability, thus causing legal issues. The result of these regular changes can cause great difficulty with the need of policies going through governmental process, meaning the government could be overall less effective in the assistance of a successful Disney. In order to expand, there is a primary focus placed upon infrastructure. This requires a sustained effort of the sort that can be best provided by a stable government. The inability to also provide a good climate for change causes several ramifications. Investing in Disney provides an immense amount of risks due to the possibility of failure, causing chaos as well as destroying potential investments. The law cannot be constantl y changing. This does not mean that the law should not change- it should change in accordance to the wants and needs of society (Ouliaris, J 2010) and must be sufficiently flexible for the expansion of Disney. Encouraging ethical behaviour is a major leading factor to the success of

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Case of the Stolen Bacillus by HG Wells and the Half Pair by Bertrum Chandler Essay Example

The Case of the Stolen Bacillus by HG Wells and the Half Pair by Bertrum Chandler Essay Example The Case of the Stolen Bacillus by HG Wells and the Half Pair by Bertrum Chandler Paper The Case of the Stolen Bacillus by HG Wells and the Half Pair by Bertrum Chandler Paper Essay Topic: Literature Ray Bradbury Short Stories I have been asked to read two stories from the science fiction genre and discuss and comment on the similarities and differences. The two stories that I have read are; The Case of the Stolen Bacillus by H. G. Wells and The Half Pair by Bertrum Chandler. Both of these stories are of the same genre, but science fiction is difficult to define. In order for me to complete this essay, and compare the two stories to their full extent, I feel that I must comprehend what science fiction means and what makes a good science fiction story. Different writers have their own definitions. I have chosen two, which I believe to express simple but different views. Ray Bradburys definition states; Science fiction is really sociological studies of the future, things that the writer believes are going to happen by putting two and two together. Whereas Bruce H. Franklin said; In fact, one good working definition of science fiction may be the literature which, growing with science and technology, evaluates it and relates it meaningfully to the rest of human existence. Both of these definitions are comprehensive and frequently used, although, we have to recognise that they represent the writers own opinions and are therefore subjective. Although the definitions vary, and are influenced from different sources, they could prove useful in considering the likeness of the stories to the definitions and provide a good framework for assessing them. Studying definitions is not the only way to classify the stories as being good science fiction. There are main elements which all good science fiction stories contain that fit into the science fiction genre. They are set in the future, contain a moral and there are often twists in the plots. Usually the human behaviour is determined by the era in which it was written. By both comparing the stories to the main elements and the definitions I shall be able to consider the factors of each story that provide good science fiction. I feel that to help me with the task set it is necessary to know background information about the authors and the time of their writing. The authors upbringing and way of life before and during novel writing is one very important factor that I have to consider when making comparisons between the stories. It is very clear when reading both, that they have been heavily influenced by previous experiences encountered, as well as their general perception of the world around them. Both writers are also heavily influenced by the era in which they grew up and lived, there are many references to aspects unique to these times, as well as to aspects in which each author is opinionated on. These influences affect the way the stories are written as well as the way the characters behave and the language that is used. The influences are shown in many ways throughout both stories. The Case of the Stolen Bacillus was written by H. G. Wells. He was born in 1866 into the cramped life of Victorian lower middle class of Bromley, Kent. Due to unfortunate circumstances involving his father, at the age of thirteen H. G. Wells was sent to work in a drapers shop. His passion for science grew as he got older and he frequently sneaked off to the library to study. His hard work finally paid off when he won a scholarship to study science at the Imperial College, London. It was during his time here where H. G. Wells became increasingly concerned with social justice and got involved with the Fabian society. This society encouraged Wellss belief in the socialist movement, which sought to bring about a fairer society by planning a gradual system of reforms. The Case of the Stolen Bacillus is set, as well as written, in Victorian England, so consequently the story portrays England in a different way from which we know it today. This way of living provoked many different beliefs and ideas on issues that may seem controversial today. One aspect that Wells put across through his story is that of male dominance. At the time when the story was written and set, males were seen to be superior to the women, and were therefore treated with more respect and authority. The main role of women was seen to be bringing up of children and housekeeping. Wells has included references of this within the story by the way he has portrayed the relationship between Minnie and her husband. This is shown in one particular conversation when Minnie is asked a question by her husband, she politely replies, Nothing, dear, because I remember However, she is interrupted abruptly by her husband, which is a typical example of how much respect husbands and wives had of each other during that era. Present within this period was a definite system of class and position within society, with three main sectors; the lower class, the middle class and the upper class. The lower class categorized the poorest in society, and was the lowest group in the system. Nowadays it is often referred to as the working class which reflects the nature of the people within it, who often worked in industry or were unemployed and lived in the terraced slums around a city. The middle class were seen by the Victorians as a group with a higher position within society. They were given more respect compared with the lower class, however were not as rich as the upper class. The upper class were a group defined for the richest in society that consisted mainly of the local gentry. Throughout Wellss story there are many references to the class system, most expressing subtle stereotypical views. Due to his beliefs as a socialist he did not agree with the class system and these heavily influence the story as his opinions are reflected many times throughout. Wells uses ingenious techniques to put across his opinions skilfully without being too direct. He often uses subtle mocking of characters that display stereotypical behaviour of a certain class. We can tell this from the speeches of the cab driver and the bacteriologist. The cab driver is stereotypically portrayed as a lower class Victorian man who has not been educated very well. This is evident when he says, Thats Arry Ilks. Wots he got? The way Wells writes the cabmans speech implies that all cabmen are of his calibre. Wells therefore suggests that all cab drivers are not well spoken and educated. Another character which Wells stereotypes, is the bacteriologist. Wells portrays him as a middle class man and a typical scientist, he says when talking to the Anarchist, Here is the living thing. This is the cultivation of the actual living disease bacteria. This shows that he is a well-spoken character from a well-educated background. He is portrayed as a typical scientist due to the manner in which he behaves. Wells creates his character to seem rather eccentric and lively, this is shown when he reacts instantly and without thinking, when he finds out that the cholera has been stolen. By stereotyping different classes, it is possible that Wellss intention was not to be making fun of the lower class, but mocking the upper class people for treating others less prominent in society the way they do. The Background regarding the Half Pair is very different from The Case of the Stolen Bacillus, even though they both aim to produce a good piece of science fiction writing. Arthur Bertrum Chandler, born in 1912, wrote the Half Pair. Although born in Aldershot, UK he is usually considered as an Australian author. Over half his life was spent at sea on a British tramp steamer and then finally joined the Union Steam Ship of New Zealand. During these passages at sea, he wrote many of his novels, however he retired in 1975 but continued to write until his death. This piece of science fiction writing was written in 1957, but set many years in the future. There are many references to the 1950s within the story as well as futuristic ideas. This is evident when the wife includes within her speech references to everyday chores relating to the 1950s, such as making dinner, as well as futuristic ideas of space. She says, Since when can I do without gravity even though a centrifugal force in the gallery? Youve ruined dinner. Wells often includes within this story speeches that reflect upon the time of writing as well as including ideas that would have been seen as very futuristic, but not as significant nowadays. Another aspect of this story that has been influenced by the authors way of life is the constant references that are made to his time spent at sea. The main setting for the story is a space ship, which is probably done because the author is used to spending time onboard ships and there are therefore many references in the use of language and descriptions to that of a boat. Although set on a space ship, the story is described with many similarities to that of a boat. References such as the use of the word chandler, which is used when referring to the place where the characters bought their equipment. When you get back to mars demand a survey of all the equipment sold by Sorenson the ship chandler The Half Pair and The Case of the Stolen Bacillus, both fit into the science fiction genre but are completely different in content and ideas. However, there are some similarities such as the elements that make up a science fiction story. One of the noticeable differences between the two stories is the time scale. The Half Pair is written in the 1950s, but set far into the future, whereas The Case of the Stolen Bacillus is set and written in the Victorian era. This proves vital in the type of story that is produced, as different eras had different views on English way of life as many things had changed since the Victorian era. This is shown in the two stories by the way the writers express themselves and include references to daily life i. e. the references to nautical terms in Half Pair and references to class in Stolen Bacillus. During the 1950s there was seen to be more freedom within society, which was less inhibited by the class structure that had nearly been abolished. This is one of the biggest differences between the two stories backgrounds, however there are similarities. Although the class system was comparatively non-existent at the time of Half Pairs writing there are still small references to the belief that men were more prominent than women in society. This is evident in Half Pair by the way the wife is stereotypically portrayed as a housewife. An example occurs as she makes dinner for her husband. Bertrum Chandler has also created some humour in regards to the roles of men and women in society. Both the husband a wife have a conversation which makes light of the small belief that men had a greater position within life, but it also shows how women had gained a lot more respect in society and were not as dominated by their husbands. This is shown in a particular conversation between the husband and wife, where the wife says, Some women are fools enough to trust their husbands. Theyre the ones who havent learned the hard way, the same way I did. The husband replies, Some men are fools enough to kid themselves that their wives have an elementary knowledge of pluming. The writers backgrounds are totally different, and consequently, as I have shown, the stories differ greatly as a result. Another aspect of the stories which is affected due to the writers backgrounds, are the plots. Although from the same genre the plots differ extensively. The Case of the Stolen Bacilluss main plot involves an amateur bacteriologist who receives a visit from an undercover anarchist in Victorian London. The anarchist who is nothing other than a stranger to the bacteriologist pretends to be interested in his work and asks to see ongoing experiments. The naive bacteriologist takes the opportunity to boast about his investigation into the newly discovered disease of cholera. The anarchist (now identified by the bacteriologist) steals the cholera bacteria, with plans to release the cholera bacteria into the cities water supply with the intention of infecting the whole city. This incident provokes a cab chase involving the bacteriologist pursuing the anarchist who unintentionally breaks the tube containing the cholera. Consequently, the anarchist drinks the solution as he sees this as the only resort and proceeds to walk round the streets bumping into people with the hope of them catching and spreading the disease. The outcome of this contains a twist within the plot for the readers as the anarchist turns blue. It is revealed that the solution was not cholera, but a disease that turns monkeys blue. The Half Pair differs completely in regards to the plot and is set in future outer space. Its main plot is created by a pair of cuff links and a couple who live onboard a space ship. The cuff links begin the story by one being lost, this is due to being washed down the sink into the ships disposal system and excreted into outer space. This causes certain unease with the couple who seem to be partial to the pair of cuff links. The man decides that he wants to venture into space to retrieve it, although it becomes evident that it is a two person task. The man has no-one to enter space with because his wife has a phobia of space suits, he therefore goes alone. This results in havoc as he runs out of oxygen and his lifeline snaps. The last part of the story contains a twist, as the reader believes that the man is destined for death as he passes out and begins to float into space, however his wife overcomes her phobia and saves him. The plots of these stories contain many techniques that induce the reader to continue reading. The way the climaxes are built up in each story has a major effect on how dramatic they are. In the Stolen Bacillus the climax is built up gradually, Wells does this in two main sections. He firstly creates and air of expectation for the reader which involves the anticipation of a London catastrophe and what the anarchist could do. The tension slowly rises and builds up to the chase sequence, where the anarchist is trying to escape. The climax is resolved with a twist in the plot that also has an effect as an anticlimax. The Half Pair however, contains a slightly more subtle climax. It is built up around a couple having an argument in a domestic situation; the argument causes the tension to build up gradually until the husband finds himself floating around in space in trouble. It is not as dramatic as the climax in The Stolen Bacillus, but resolves itself with a rather cliched happy ending. Both of the stories climaxes are used to maintain the readers interest and I believe that both are effective as the reader is wondering what is going to happen next in many sections. In the past, at the time of writing, another aspect that would have helped to keep readers attention would have been the way that in both stories the writer has included ideas and objects which the readers could have related to the then present day. Nowadays this could also possibly help the interest levels of the reader as they are finding out a different way of life giving a historical perspective of the story. This applies more so to The Stolen Bacillus, as it is further into the past. Both stories are similar in the fact that they contain twists, where the reader is lead to believe a different outcome up till close to the end where it is dramatically twisted another way round. The twist in the Stolen Bacillus was an anticlimax. I believe this was reasonably effective as it created some tension as a result of the possible damage which the anarchist could have caused. It also added humour, which may or may not have been Wellss intention, but I believe is effective. The twist used in The Half Pair is used to create an ending that lasts in your mind. When you find out that the wife has saved her husband it comes as a surprise, which adds excitement to the story. In both plots the main story line involves items going missing i. e. the bacteria and the cuff links, this is another similarity between the stories. Another aspect that makes the stories similar is how they both contain ideas and technology relevant to the era when it was written. The Case of the Stolen Bacillus was written at a time when the UK was rife with many epidemics such as cholera. These diseases, at the time, were not thoroughly known about, so many scientists would have been investigating and researching them. At the time when Half Pair was written, men in space, and space travel was a new idea that was being discovered. Although this is a similarity it can also be a difference as each story has been influenced by a different time of history. Characters are a major feature in stories and contain a strong link between the plots, and the morals and messages they are preaching. In both stories there is a great similarity in the fact that that they both have couples as the main characters. The Stolen Bacillus however, contains another prominent role played as an anarchist as well as also having minor characters included within it. This differs from The Half Pair, as within this story there are no other characters apart from the couple. Both Wellss story and Chandlers stories were of a short length, which means that the authors had a confined amount of time to create and develop characters. Consequently we see in both stories very strong characters displaying strong personalities. In The Case of the Stolen Bacillus there are three prominent characters, the anarchist, The Bacteriologist and Minnie, his wife. Wells uses many techniques to display these three characters in certain ways to try and create a vivid image for readers. I feel that Wells intended for the anarchist to be portrayed as a villain and he uses dialogue, imagery and atmosphere to show this. Wells describes the anarchist a pale faced man and as having deep grey eyes. This dull imagery gives the impression to the reader that the man is up to no good and it is backed up with the language which he uses to suggest that the anarchist is a baddy. It is particularly evident that Wells is trying to conjure up a bad image for the anarchist when the anarchist says, death mysterious, untraceable death, death swift and terrible, death full of pain and indignity would be released on this city. Although I believe Wells tries to conjure up a picture regarding the anarchist as a villain, I feel that he is more successful in creating a character that appears to be ignorant. Wells probably intentionally does this, as he tries to make fun of anarchism and through mocking the anarchist he can achieve this and express his opinions to the readers. This is shown when he says, These Anarchist rascals, are fools, blind fools to use bombs when this kind of thing is attainable. The Bacteriologist is another prominent character in Stolen Bacillus, however very different in personality. Wells portrays him, very stereotypically, as a boastful amateur scientist who wants to appear to be very intellectual. Wells uses the speeches between characters to portray this, especially in is opening speech when he says, This again, is a preparation of the celebrated Bacillus of Cholera the cholera germ. The reader discovers later on in the story that the scientist was leading the anarchist on, and realises that the bacteria wasnt actually cholera. This shows that the character of the scientist is maybe not so stereotypical as Wells first makes out. Although, Wells does included some very stereotypical behaviour regarding the relationships between The Bacteriologist and his wife, Minnie. As I have said before, Minnie is put across as being a typical Victorian housewife, very trustworthy, proper and correct. She abides completely by her husband and is very loyal to him as well as to the rules of the time. This part of Victorian society is shown by Wells when Minnie is keen to make sure that her husband does not leave the house without his hat and coat, as it was seen to be disrespectful in these times. It is shown using dialogue, by Wells when the wife is shocked about the fact that her husband has left not properly dressed and she says, But running around London in the height of the season, too in his socks! Included in the plot of Stolen Bacillus are other minor characters which all have their significances in some way even though they do not have a large part to play. The cab drivers are an example of this. As I have said earlier Wells stereotypes them and portrays them as lower class, using dialogue to help illustrate this. I have also noticed that Wells does n ot name the bacteriologist or the anarchist, he just labels them or describes them, which is probably done to emphasises their characters. The structure regarding the characters in the Half Pair differs in comparison with The Stolen Bacillus as The Half Pair only contains two characters. These prominent characters however, do have similarities between the main characters in The Stolen Bacillus. Similarly to The Stolen Bacillus, in The Half Pair there is a husband and wife as main characters. In The Half Pair the couple remains nameless, similarly to the Anarchist and the bacteriologist in The Stolen Bacillus, the only prominent character to be given a name in either story was Minnie, the bacteriologists wife. The relationships between the two couples in both stories are similar, however they also differ because of the different time of writing. As I have said earlier, The Stolen Bacillus represents a Victorian relationship between Minnie and her husband, which is rife with the idea of male dominance. I also believe that there are some references to this type of behaviour in The Half Pair even though it is set much later on in time. There are some elements of the behaviour between the couple in The Half Pair that also suggest that the wife is dominated by her husband. This behaviour is certainly not to the same extent as the in The Stolen Bacillus, and we also find that it is actually the husband in The Half Pair who is trying to abide to rules of good manners and not lower his standards when he says, We agreed that we werent going to let ourselves lapse, get sloppy The drinks straight from the bottle and the food straight from the can In comparing the characters in each story I feel that Wells conjures up stronger, more meaningful ones that are rife with personality. One way in which both authors have created and defined characters is by carefully selecting the language and dialogue that they use. The language used in each story is different because of the eras they were written in. The Case of the Stolen Bacillus is harder to read and comprehend, due to the changes in English language, between the Victorian era and present day, although it demonstrates the correct manner of speaking at its time of writing. The Stolen Bacillus frequently uses scientific terminology, to make the story more convincing to the reader. Wells uses relatively simple scientific descriptions such as cholera, as to not make the story to complicated. In Wellss story there were not many futuristic descriptions as it was set at a similar time to writing and was mainly based upon something that hadnt happened yet. Bertrum Chandler also includes scientific terminology in his story, The Half Pair. The content however is more futuristic and complicated. This is because the author is trying to predict the future and to do so needs to include advanced ideas. For example Chandler uses descriptions such as centrifugal force. The dialogue present in each story demonstrates more clearly many of the characters personalities. I feel that throughout both stories the dialogue is convincing although there are some elements which I feel were not as believable. For example I feel that in The Stolen Bacillus Wells might have over exaggerated the relationship between Minnie and The Bacteriologist. He achieved this by including speeches between the couple where Minnie simply agreed with everything her husband said, she often used the phrase yes dear. I feet that this became humorous throughout the story as she behaved completely different around her husband than anyone else. Wells probably expressed her character in this way in order to emphasise the stereotypical Victorian female role she plays. The dialogue in The Half Pair seems to be more like the present way of speaking. This is because the characters tended to speak in a more colloquial fashion, with not much use of complicated words and the sarcasm used is more relevant to todays society. An example of sarcasm is when she says, Anyone would think that youd lost the Crown Jewels There are many different ideas within both stories that contain morals and messages that the authors are trying to put across. In The Case of the Stolen Bacillus there are many interlinked morals, messages and ideas. Wells focuses intently on stereotyping individuals and groups of people of the time. This is done so that the messages which he puts across can be stronger, and also, so that he can subtly mock different people. One idea where Wells used this technique was when he referred to the class system, however he did this less obviously and consequently the message is not as strong. Wells also stereotyped The Bacteriologist as being a typical amateur scientist. His idea is put across in the story so that Wells can warn people about the risks of bacteriological research. Wells probably wants to warn people as he studied science and realises the risks and may be angered by the way amateurs have the responsibilities of investigating bacteria. Another one of the main ideas that Wells expresses in his story is that of Anarchy, and how it doesnt fit in with society. He mocks anarchy, and I believe that he is trying to say that anarchists are not necessarily fighting for a cause, but just trying to get attention. Wells shows this in the story due to the failure of the anarchists plan, and how the anarchist believes he can spread cholera by bumping into people, which seems laughable in todays society and to a certain extent the Victorian society. I feel that this message is effective but it is only towards the end of the story that the reader realises that Wells is subtly trying to mock anarchy. The Half Pair differs from Wellss story, as it only appears to put across one main message. I feel that Chandler uses the pair of cufflinks to illustrate his message, loved ones are more important than trivial things dont take them for granted. Chandlers use of the cufflinks is very ingenious and they link the message to the story. The cufflinks at the beginning the play are seen as very important to the man, however towards the end, when his life is a risk, the cufflinks become rather insignificant. Chandler ends the story in a very ingenious way, as the message is only revealed to the reader at the very end of the story when the wife says, I do so hate a half pair of anything and I dont mean only cufflinks! This last line of the story is also clever, as it links it together with the first line of the play, and gives the whole story and the message some significance. Another smaller message which I believe Chandler may be putting across is that people will always have the same sorts of problems thoughts and feelings, no matter what the day and age. Overall I believe that Chandler is trying to say that however much our world changes in the future, relationships and love will still be of upmost importance, and no matter what, couples will still have to overcome mundane problems even with a technologically advanced world around them. I believe that both stories are effective in putting across messages, however Wells includes more, and preaches them more subtly. In The Stolen Bacillus, the messages are there, but you have to look for them. The Half Pair messages tended to be simpler and easier to understand, but this is probably due to myself, the reader finding the story easier to comprehend as they relate to modern day more so than in The Stolen Bacillus. Although in todays society The Half Pair is easier to relate to, I feel that both of the stories relate their messages and content to the societies in which they were written. In comparing the two stories I have found many differences and similarities, however I now have to consider whether each of them are examples of good science fiction. I stated at the beginning of this essay, some definitions of science fiction and elements which writing of the science fiction genre should have. I have looked at each story against the definitions and elements of science fiction, and have seen how they have corresponded. I feel that both stories fit into the science fiction genre and they both contain most of the elements which a good piece of sci-fi writing does. The Case of The Stolen Bacillus contains a moral and a twist but it is not set in the future, however it does contain futuristic ideas. The Half Pair appears to contain all of the elements which I mentioned at the beginning of this essay, however I dont believe that they have been expressed as well as in Wellss story. Each story also tries to put meaningful messages across to a reader of the time of writing, although I believe that these messages are still applicable in society today. The twists in both stories are reasonably effective. I found that in The Case of the Stolen Bacillus the twist was not as well written, and therefore not as effective. Although each story differs in how well they correspond to the element of science fiction, a factor that suggests that both of these pieces are good science fiction writing is that they correlate strongly to the definitions given by Ray Bradbury and Bruce H. Franklin.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Senior Americans - Living Past 90 in the U.S.A.

Senior Americans - Living Past 90 in the U.S.A. Americas population of persons aged 90-and-older has almost tripled since 1980, reaching 1.9 million in 2010 and will continue to increase to more than 7.6 million over the next 40 years, according to a new report from the U.S. Census Bureau. If you think government benefit programs like Social Security and Medicare are financially strained now, just wait. In August 2011, the Centers for Disease Control reported that Americans are now living longer and dying less than ever before. As a result, people 90 and over now make up 4.7% of all people 65 and older, as compared with only 2.8% in 1980. By 2050, projects the Census Bureau, the 90 and over share will reach 10 percent. Traditionally, the cutoff age for what is considered the oldest old has been age 85, said Census Bureau demographer Wan He in a press release, but increasingly people are living longer and the older population itself is getting older. Given its rapid growth, the 90-and-older population merits a closer look. The Threat to Social Security A closer look to say the least. The great threat to the long-term survival of Social Security - the Baby Boomers drew their very first Social Security check on February 12, 2008. Over the next 20 years, more than 10,000 Americans a day will become eligible for Social Security benefits. Millions of these Boomers will retire, begin collecting monthly social security checks and go on Medicare. For decades before the Baby Boomers, about 2.5 million babies a year were born in the United States. Starting in 1946, that figure jumped to 3.4 million. New births peaked from 1957 to 1961 with 4.3 million births a year. It was that spurt that produced the 76 million Baby Boomers. In December 2011, the Census Bureau reported that the Baby Boomers had become the fastest-growing segment of the U.S. population. The inconvenient and unavoidable truth is that the longer Americans live, the faster the Social Security system runs out of money. That sad day, unless Congress changes the way Social Security works, is now estimated to come in 2042. The minimum age to begin receiving Social Security retirement benefits is 62. Medicare coverage, which covers about 80 percent of basic healthcare, begins automatically at age 65. Persons who wait until age 67 to apply for Social Security currently receive about 30 percent higher benefits than those who retire at 62. It pays to wait. 90 Not Necessarily the New 60 According to findings in the Census American Community Survey report, 90 in the United States: 2006-2008, living well into ones 90s may not necessarily be a decade at the beach.A majority of people 90 and over live alone or in nursing homes and reported having at least one physical or mental disability. In keeping with long-standing trends, more women than men are living into their 90s, but tend to have higher rates of widowhood, poverty, and disability than women in their eighties. Older Americans chances of requiring nursing home care also increase rapidly with advancing age. While only about 1% of people in their upper 60s and 3% in their upper 70s live in nursing homes, the proportion jumps to about 20% for those in their lower 90s, more than 30% for people in their upper 90s, and nearly 40% for persons 100 and over. Sadly, old age and disability still go hand-in-hand. According to census data, 98.2% of all people in their 90s who lived in a nursing home had a disability and 80.8% of people in their 90s who did not live in a nursing home also had one or more disabilities. Overall, the proportion of people age 90 to 94 having disabilities is more than 13 percentage points higher than that of 85- to 89-year-olds. The most common types of disabilities reported to the Census Bureau included difficulty doing errands alone and performing general mobility-related activities like walking or climbing stairs. Money Over 90? During 2006-2008, the inflation-adjusted median income of people 90 and over was $14,760, almost half (47.9%) of which came from Social Security. Income from retirement pension plans accounted for another 18.3% of income for persons in their 90s. Overall, 92.3% of people 90 and older received Social Security benefit income. In 2206-2008, 14.5% of people 90 and older reported living in poverty, compared to only 9.6% of people 65-89 years old. Almost all (99.5%) of all people 90 and older had health insurance coverage, mainly Medicare. Far More Surviving Women Over 90 than Men According to 90 in the United States: 2006-2008, women surviving into their 90s outnumber men by a ratio of almost three to one. For every 100 women between ages 90 to 94, there were only 38 men. For every 100 women ages 95 to 99, the number of men dropped to 26, and for every 100 women 100 and older, only 24 men. In 2006-2008, half of men 90 and older lived in a household with family members and/or unrelated individuals, less than one-third lived alone, and about 15 percent were in an institutionalized living arrangement such as a nursing home. In contrast, less than one-third of women in this age group lived in a household with family members and/or unrelated individuals, four in 10 lived alone, and another 25% were in institutionalized living arrangements.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Ethics of International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Ethics of International Business - Essay Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that the relationship of the managers, including the directors, with the stakeholders, is mainly fiduciary. They are after all paid for working for the primary stakeholder, the shareholder to create value and profit for him. It is incidental that for earning this profit, they have to be equally mindful of befitting the secondary stakeholders. Contrary to common belief, there are many stakeholders in the business apart from the shareholder or the stockholder. They are the employees, customers, suppliers, bankers and even the society at large who look for some benefit from the company, and in turn are also its well-wishers. The various audits and financial data only show that these are results of activities that have been checked for correctness but they do not reflect on what level of competence was exercised. The better and more comprehensive method is through Corporate Governance. The company is a legal entity and theref ore has to enter into commercial transactions all the time for carrying on its business activities. These transactions are concluded by the managers on behalf of the company since the legal entity is not a person and needs agents to carry out these duties for it. This ability of the managers to enter into legal contracts and agreements makes them the agent of the company with the liability resting with the company. This situation gives rise to irresponsible behavior on the part of managers who do not carry the burden of any wrongdoing on their part. It is to control this likely misuse of power that Corporate Governance assumes importance.

Friday, October 18, 2019


NEIGHBOURHOOD ASSESSMENT ON BROUTYFERRY DUNDEE .SCOTLAND - Essay Example Dundee also has numerous clubs and pubs that cater to the needs of its diverse student population as well as the local inhabitants (Day and Gentry 2012). The Dundee Repertory Theatre is Scotland’s only repertory theatre and is widely recognized for its exceptional productions. Other ordinary theatres in Dundee are the Gardyne Theatre, Whitehall Theatre, and The Little Theatre. The Scottish School of modern Dance is also located at Dundee College. The city regularly plays host to a various festivals such as the jazz, blues, flower, dance, and food festivals (Gifford 2012). However, this number gets boosted during learning seasons when students come to attend Dundee’s universities and college. Dundee is particularly famous for its celebrated universities that boast approximately 40,000 students (King 2011). The Dundee University, in particular, has been able to attract well known scientists to it faculty, who have contributed to world class research studies. In addition, the ‘Centre of Excellence’ which is located in the University of Abertay, is internationally considered as an authority in the education concerning computer games. Many young entrepreneurs have been attracted to Dundee by the reputations of its educational institutions, and thus there has been a lot of job creation in the sector concerned with computer games. Broughty Ferry actually sits on the northern shore of river Tay. Broughty Ferry is a leafy neighbourhood situated in Dundee, Scotland in Great Britain. Broughty Ferry has a population of approximately 13,155 persons (Hall 2003). This region’s population is mainly comprised of young families and the semi retired. Most of Broughty Ferry’s residents tend to reside in large semi-detached as well as detached homes located in the exclusive rural as well as suburban areas. Most of Broughty Ferry’s inhabitants have high disposable incomes because of their specialized skills in varied fields. Broughty F erry was once a precinct for the jute barons of Dundee, and it was believed to be the home of some of the richest men in Europe. The numerous Victorian mansions that still dot its landscape are a testimony of that past era. The most famous attraction in Broughty Ferry is the Broughty Castle. This structure was constructed in the 1490s. It has been the centre of many disagreements about its true ownership. Between 1547 and 1550, it was occupied exclusively by the British (Hall 2003). Broughty Ferry has also functioned as a fishing port for a long time. Broughty Ferry’s ferry service to Tayport has been a vital connection between the ports of the east coast in the last few centuries. This was prior to the creation of the Tay Rail Bridge. In the course of the 19th Century, there was swift development in this area as a result of the establishment of the railway running through Arbroath and Dundee in 1838. The short standard train service between the Ferry and Dundee inspired resi dents to travel away in order to avoid the persistent smog that was the result of industrialization. During this period, the men who had grown wealthy from Dundee’s thriving jute industry began to build mansions in Broughty Ferry. Today, Broughty Ferry is a beautiful city with a scenic seafront, a harbour and an esplanade, and white sandy beaches. It has become quite popular with tourists and a wonderful place for sight-seers and walking enthusiasts. Broughty Ferry boasts a wide selection of four and five star hotels

Research, Evidence and Nursing Practice Assignment

Research, Evidence and Nursing Practice - Assignment Example Conditions used to make comparisons included untapped, therapeutic taping protocol and neutral taping protocol. (3) Authors utilized within-subjects study design, which entailed subjecting 18 participants to the three conditions at random coupled with assessing pain and observed disability. (4) Research’s scope encompassed assessing the extent of pain in each case and disability whereby the latter comprised of hindrance to the necessary knee mobility. Knee’s mobility tests used were walking speed, stepping ability, rising time and go tests. (5) Research’s content avails adequate information helpful in managing Maude’s predicament, which in this case entails reducing pain. Therefore, therapeutic taping will be of great help to her not only through reducing pain but also in preventing knee’s swelling. (6) Limitations in this study embrace â€Å"carryover effects†, use of small cohort and inadequate interval period between the tests. (7) The stu dy concluded therapeutic taping was inexpensive strategy compared to numerous approaches used in managing of knee OA. Justification (8) The study offers adequate information regarding managing of knee pain and disability (Hinman, Bennell, Crossley & McConnell, 2003). ... es its remedies with other approaches used in treating and managing knee OA whereby the researchers conclude both Therapeutic knee tape and neutral tape are cheaper. The other reason considered in selecting this article was its inexpensive remedy strategy aimed at reducing pain, whereby the people irrespective of their status can adequately afford. Therefore, its contribution in the medical field will encompass equipping medical personnel with adequate knowledge concerning varied and cheaper ways, which they will advise their patients to embrace. This is especially in managing Knee OA among the victims whereby with necessary training ailing people can adequately execute therapeutic taping in their homes. This will reduce high chances of disability commonly associated with Knee OA especially among the old people who in most cases tend to prefer sedentary life like in Maude’s case. Therefore, practitioners after advocating therapeutic taping to the people with Knee OA will compe l them to be active through their relatives, hence reduce numerous chances of disability observed among people taking medicinal approaches. This is an essential intervention, which practitioners can combine with medicinal approaches in reducing pain experienced by Maude. In addition, despite the authors in this article citing certain limitations that may hinder effective testing under each condition, its analysis is meticulous. This is evident in the already analyzed tests and clear presentation of statistical data in form of tables and graphs bearing evidences of diverse remedies’ outcomes under study. (1) Roddy, E., Zhang, W. & Doharty, M. (2005). Aerobic walking or strengthening exercise for osteoarthritis of the knee? A systematic Review. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 64. 544- 548.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

My Ethical System and Its Justification Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

My Ethical System and Its Justification - Essay Example Faith is good because it serves as an unseen yet strong force that compels me to reject evil and choose good. Prudence is good, because it helps me become wiser. Justice is good, because it brings harmony to society as it ensures fairness. When everything is fair, resentment and retaliation could hardly win, which results to peace and order, thus making people’s lives happy and contented. Compassion is good because it awakens our responsibility to care for others. An act that could also help others becomes better persons. The more this world has better persons, the better place this world will be. Humility is good because it frees me from guilt and makes me feel good. Self-control is good because it restrains me from my ill desires while realigns me to what I ought to be. Fortitude is good because it gives me the strength to stand for what is right, whatever the consequence. And hope is good because it keeps me does what is good even in darkest hours. ... My philosophy resembles that of Aristotle’s Nichomachean ethics, which belief is that man ought to live a virtuous life to achieve genuine happiness (Pakaluk 49). We similarly share this belief added to the fact that we both believe in the four cardinal virtues that define what is good. However, unlike Aristotle’s, I believe that added to the four cardinal virtues, which speaks for intellectual virtue, emotional virtue, volitional virtue, and social virtue, there is a need for spiritual virtue like faith – the strongest weapon man can hold onto. II. Justifying my ethical system My ethical system is grounded on my belief that man’s being – as being the master creation and the highest form of creation – must live a virtuous life. This is what differentiates man from animals; this is the way by which man can achieve the task to which his/her being rests – the steward of creation. In man lies the progress and doom of the world; in man lies the future of humanity. The world can only be a happy place to live in if man truly lives a virtuous life, because by living a virtuous life, as defined above, man is not only able to better his/her self, but is also giving others the opportunity to see the difference between good and evil. Thus they can have an enlightened choice. Moreover, it is only in living a virtuous life that man can bring harmony to society and to humanity, thereby achieving genuine happiness in life. It is no secret that what make life in this world miserable and what makes this world chaotic are man’s evil ways, as most are blinded with power, fame, material gratification and selfishness. Man’s evil ways is also dehumanizing – something that is against man’s

Unit 1 Discussion 2 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Unit 1 Discussion 2 - Coursework Example He submitted the proposal to CERN about his plan in 1989 but it was only accepted through repeated efforts in October 1990. Included in the establishment of the WWW are the foundations of the Web still present and being applied today which include HTML or HyperText Markup Language, URI or Uniform Resource Identifier and HTTP or Hypertext Transfer Protocol. Tim Berners-Lee also created the â€Å"WorldWideWeb† which is the first Web page editor/browser and the â€Å"httpd† which is the first Web server (WWWF Website). Ever since the creation of the Web it had continuously and exponential which now created another interface for every human activity. The WWW Foundation Website is the official website for the advocacy of Tim Berners-Lee for a free and open web because he believed that the technology will continuously grow and be optimized in this process. It is an interesting and helpful website due to its advocacy which is important because oftentimes the web surfers and the masses are only focused on having fun and even getting information for work and studies from the Web which is always present for the young generation. It is important to know the importance of the Web, how it came about and how it can maintain operating in full potential. This is the main reason why I like and appreciate this

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

My Ethical System and Its Justification Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

My Ethical System and Its Justification - Essay Example Faith is good because it serves as an unseen yet strong force that compels me to reject evil and choose good. Prudence is good, because it helps me become wiser. Justice is good, because it brings harmony to society as it ensures fairness. When everything is fair, resentment and retaliation could hardly win, which results to peace and order, thus making people’s lives happy and contented. Compassion is good because it awakens our responsibility to care for others. An act that could also help others becomes better persons. The more this world has better persons, the better place this world will be. Humility is good because it frees me from guilt and makes me feel good. Self-control is good because it restrains me from my ill desires while realigns me to what I ought to be. Fortitude is good because it gives me the strength to stand for what is right, whatever the consequence. And hope is good because it keeps me does what is good even in darkest hours. ... My philosophy resembles that of Aristotle’s Nichomachean ethics, which belief is that man ought to live a virtuous life to achieve genuine happiness (Pakaluk 49). We similarly share this belief added to the fact that we both believe in the four cardinal virtues that define what is good. However, unlike Aristotle’s, I believe that added to the four cardinal virtues, which speaks for intellectual virtue, emotional virtue, volitional virtue, and social virtue, there is a need for spiritual virtue like faith – the strongest weapon man can hold onto. II. Justifying my ethical system My ethical system is grounded on my belief that man’s being – as being the master creation and the highest form of creation – must live a virtuous life. This is what differentiates man from animals; this is the way by which man can achieve the task to which his/her being rests – the steward of creation. In man lies the progress and doom of the world; in man lies the future of humanity. The world can only be a happy place to live in if man truly lives a virtuous life, because by living a virtuous life, as defined above, man is not only able to better his/her self, but is also giving others the opportunity to see the difference between good and evil. Thus they can have an enlightened choice. Moreover, it is only in living a virtuous life that man can bring harmony to society and to humanity, thereby achieving genuine happiness in life. It is no secret that what make life in this world miserable and what makes this world chaotic are man’s evil ways, as most are blinded with power, fame, material gratification and selfishness. Man’s evil ways is also dehumanizing – something that is against man’s

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Description of Artwork Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Description of Artwork - Essay Example Art is an aspect of writing followed by interest of an individual in a society. This picture used appears to be one of the most brilliant pieces of artwork I have ever come across. It was made by a professional artist who exactly knew what to do to produce he best. To accomplish this, the artist had to incorporate the use of a wide range of elements of art.The artist has also applied some good shape in the in this art, which helps in the attraction of the picture. Attraction in the art helps one to identify whether it is good or bad. There was also a proper and appropriate use of spacing. The images in the background, foreground and middle ground stand out quite distinctly and can be seen on their spaces. Also used in the picture is the good sizing. Thus, the object is proportionate and appears real. It contributes largely in the art by identifying the length and width in the work. The picture is very good depending on the size the writer has used in this art. This promotes culture i n the field of art. Size can be big or small, but the the writer has used standard size.A good coloring technique has been used in the artwork to make it look better. The combination of bright and dull hues made the picture exceptionally attractive and representational. Therefore, it becomes easier to interpret the exact message intended by the artist. I therefore conclude by saying that the picture is good generally. Attraction in the art helps one to identify whether it is good or bad.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Job Satisfaction in Hospitality Industry Essay Example for Free

Job Satisfaction in Hospitality Industry Essay Turnover intention The purpose of this study is to investigate the antecedents (i. e. , role ambiguity and con? ct, burnout, socialization, and work autonomy) and consequences (i. e. , affective and continuance commitment, absenteeism, and employee turnover intention) of employee job satisfaction. Data obtained from a sample of 671 respondents drawn from 11 international tourist hotels in Taiwan were analyzed with the LISREL program. According to the results, role con? ict, burnout, socialization, and work autonomy, but not role ambiguity, signi? cantly predicted job satisfaction. In addition, job satisfaction signi? cantly contributed to psychological outcomes in terms of organizational effectiveness (i. . , greater affective and continuance commitment and lower employee turnover intentions). ? 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction 1. 1. Background In the competitive and people-oriented business environment characterizing the modern hospitality industry, frontline employee performance represents a crucial component of service. Better employee performance yields greater guest satisfaction and loyalty. Moreover, frontline employees in the hospitality industry seem to be underpaid and to suffer job-related stress (Weatherly and Tansik, 1993; Karatepe and Sokmen, 2006). An appropriate quality of service includes employee attitudes and behaviors that meet customer expectations. Consequently, employee job satisfaction is a necessary contributor to meeting such expectations (Rust et al. , 1996; Kim et al. , 2005; Karatepe and Sokmen, 2006). The literature on job satisfaction covers an enormous territory with ambiguous boundaries, apparently as a result of the growing interest of academic researchers and managers in three perspectives on this domain. The ? rst views job satisfaction as an antecedent of organizational outcomes, e. g. business performance (Iffaldano and Muchinski, 1985; Schyns and Croon, 2006), employee turnover (Williams and Hazer, 1986; Griffeth et al. , 2000; Lam et al. , 2001a,b; Martin, 2004; Silva, 2006; Schyns and Croon, 2006), and organizational commitment (Chatman, 1989, 1991; Chatman and Barsade, 1995; Harris and Mossholder, 1996; Lowry et al. , 2002; Lam and Zhang, 2003; Martin, 2004; Taris et al. , 2005; Li, 2006; Silva, 2006) . The second treats job satisfaction as an outcome of organizational conditions, e. g. , leadership (Williams and Hazer, 1986; Schriesheim et al. 1992; Podsakoff et al. , 1996; Sparks and Schenk, 2001; Schyns and Croon, 2006), social support (Frone, 2000; Liden et al. , 2000; Schirmer and Lopez, 2001; Schyns and Croon, 2006), and task characteristics (Seers and Graen, 1984; Williams and Hazer, 1986; Stepina et al. , 1991; Dodd and Ganster, 1996; Schyns and Croon, 2006). The third examines job satisfaction in terms of the temperament of employees, which is affected by individual traits (Judge et al. , 1998, 2000; Dormann and Zapf, 2001; Judge and Bono, 2001; Schyns and Croon, 2006). 1. 2. Previous studies of job satisfaction in hospitality Previous studies on the antecedents and consequences of job satisfaction in the hotel industry have examined antecedents in terms of individual, organizational, and job-related factors. Much of the literature regarding individual factors in the hospitality industry has identi? ed salary, bene? ts, and marital status as contributors to employee turnover (Iverson and Deery, 1997; Pizam and Thornburg, 2000). For Chinese managers, job satisfaction was affected by the work environment, the nature of the job itself, and the rewards associated ith the job, but not by manager characteristics (Lam et al. , 2001a,b). Rewards, particularly those related to job security, emerged as an in? uential factor relating to job satisfaction. This study also indicated that high levels of job satisfaction resulted in low levels of turnover intentions among managers. Aziz et al. (2007) studied fast food restaurants and found that satisfaction with ? nancia l rewards minimized absenteeism and hence turnover rates. Martin (2004) and Silva (2006) applied a psychological perspective to a sample drawn from the hotel industry, using a correlation analysis to identify signi? ant relationships among job satisfaction, organizational commitment, employee turnover, and personality traits. Carbery et al. (2003) applied a hierarchical regression analysis to a sample of 89 hoteliers and showed that individual affective * Tel. : +886 935 927 138; fax: +886 7 238 3553. E-mail address: [emailprotected] Nkhc. Edu. Tw. 0278-4319/$ – see front matter ? 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10. 1016/j. ijhm. 2009. 11. 002 610 J. -T. Yang / International Journal of Hospitality Management 29 (2010) 609–619 commitment accounted for a signi? ant amount of variance in turnover intentions, that job satisfaction did not explain managers’ levels of commitment to a signi? cant extent, and that job satisfaction and affective, but not cont inuance, commitment were important factors in predicting the turnover intentions of employees. These ? ndings were also echoed by Iverson and Deery (1997). Second, at the organizational level, organizational support and socialization have been identi? ed as crucial factors in? uencing individual behavior. Cho et al. (2009) empirical study demonstrated that perceived organizational support and commitment negatively in? enced individual intentions to leave, but only the former positively affected intentions to stay. Young and Lundberg (1996) proposed that organizational socialization signi? cantly contributed to newcomers’ job performance, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment and hence to their intentions about leaving the organization. The study indicated that role ambiguity, role con? ict, and job burnout could be minimized by wellorganized orientation and training programs during the early stage of employment, and that this approach would increase the level of job satisfaction. A similar study also showed that socialization dif? culties negatively affected the organizational culture with respect to employee turnover (Iverson and Deery, 1997). Tepeci and Bartlett’s (2002) empirical study went one step further, implying that organizational socialization resulted in increased job satisfaction and intentions to remain in an organization. Subramaniam et al. (2002) empirically showed direct and positive relationships between variables measuring decentralized structures and organizational commitment among managers. Lam and Zhang (2003) surveyed 203 employees in the Hong Kong fast-food industry about their jobs. A multiple regression model showed that organizational commitment was correlated with and predicted by variables re? ecting training and development, job characteristics (including the extent to which a job is challenging, the sense of accomplishment associated with the job, the meaningfulness of the work, the friendliness of co-workers, and job security) and compensation and fairness. Job satisfaction was correlated with the ? st two factors. Subramaniam et al. (2002) found a direct and positive relationship between variables measuring managers’ needs for achievement and their organizational commitment to and use of a participatory budgeting process. Lowry et al. (2002), drawing on a sample of 454 employees working in registered clubs in Australia, show that job satisfaction signi? cantly affected organizational commitment and that formal training plans as well as empowerment and ? exible work hours were dominant factors in? uencing job satisfaction. Iverson and Deery (1997) and Silva (2006) presented empirical results showing that organizational commitment was connected with employee turnover, as mediated by job satisfaction. Kim et al. (2005) re? ned the aforementioned statistical relationship by applying structural equation modeling. Manageable levels of job stress should have a certain number of positive effects on individual and/or organizational behaviors. The most signi? cant empirical studies in this regard were conducted by Faulkner and Patiar (1997) and Iverson and Deery (1997). Zohar (1994) and Brymer et al. (1991) claimed that stress included three aspects of role con? ict and ambiguity: workload, decision latitude, and psychological stress. Faulkner and Patiar (1997) identi? ed ? ve sources of the job stress suffered by front-of? ce employees: ‘‘coping with of? ce politics, dealing with ambiguous situations, inadequate guidance from superiors, under-promotion, and staff shortages’’ (p. 110). This empirical study implied that these ? ve stressors should be eliminated to stimulate individual adaptive behaviors. Recent research conducted by Karatepe and Uludag (2007) with employees of Northern Cyprus hotels found that work–family con? ict did not signi? cantly contribute to job satisfaction or intentions to leave an organization. Karatepe et al. (2006a,b) and Kim et al. (2009) found that role con? ict and ambiguity were signi? cantly associated with job satisfaction, given sex as a mediating variable. The study conducted by Kim et al. (2007) implied that job burnout might increase rates of employee turnover. Employee turnover constitutes a critical issue for many hoteliers and academics. Some hoteliers view turnover as a part of the culture of the hospitality industry as a whole (i. e. , a so-called turnover culture). Hotel operations in Taiwan are also characterized by this sort of culture (Yang, 2008). Recent studies of the hotel industry in Taiwan conducted by Yang (2008) demonstrated that organizational socialization contributed to job satisfaction and commitment and minimized newcomer turnover intention. This study, applying a multiple regression analysis, showed that job satisfaction affected affective commitment and hence in? enced turnover intentions. Yang (2009) indicated that newcomers enjoyed observing and reading job-related information to learn how to perform tasks, implying that organizational socialization and job stress were correlated with job satisfaction. 1. 3. Justi? cation for and contribution of the study Although many empirical studies have focused on issues related to job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and employee turnover, many una nswered questions about the nature of job satisfaction seem to remain. One such unanswered question concerns the importance of different job factors, such as role stress and job burnout, in determining satisfaction. This empirical study attempts to explore the relationships among several components of the antecedents and consequences of job satisfaction. The main impetus for conducting this comprehensive and holistic study derived from the need to narrow three theoretical gaps. First, although prior studies have revealed the relationship between antecedents (i. e. , role stress, socialization, and burnout) and consequences (i. e. organizational commitment and employee intentions to leave an organization) and job satisfaction, few studies have investigated the interactive effects of these variables within the context of a more inclusive model. Second, a great deal of the literature in the hospitality and tourism ? eld shows a strong relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment, but few studies have examined this relationship by dis tinguishing affective from continuance commitment. Third, no empirical evidence about whether absenteeism mediates between organizational commitment and intention to leave has been presented. This study will contribute to a growing body of research on job satisfaction that illustrates the need to adopt a multi-faceted approach to the study of employee turnover intentions. It will also demonstrate the importance of considering not only the effects of job characteristics on job satisfaction, but also the effects of job satisfaction on organizational commitment, absenteeism, and turnover intention. 1. 4. Purpose of the study The study focuses on interactions among employees in hotels in Taiwan and empirically examines the effectiveness of an integrated understanding of applied psychology that includes organizational socialization. The purpose of this research is to explore (1) the effect of role stress, burnout, socialization, and work autonomy on job satisfaction; and (2) the situational relationships among job satisfaction, individual commitment to organizations, absenteeism, and employee turnover intentions. 2. Hypotheses development This study aims to recast our perspective on job satisfaction by applying organizational theories pertaining to job stress, burnout, J. -T. Yang / International Journal of Hospitality Management 29 (2010) 609–619 611 socialization, and work autonomy. These factors contribute to job satisfaction, and hence to organizational effectiveness, in terms of organizational commitment, absenteeism, and employee turnover intentions. 2. 1. Job satisfaction Job satisfaction can be viewed as ‘‘the pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job as achieving or facilitating the achievement of one’s job values’’ (Locke, 1969, p. 316). Early comprehensive empirical research conducted by Porter and Steers (1973) and Muchinsky and Tuttle (1979) showed a negative relationship between job satisfaction and employee turnover intentions. Some studies (e. g. , Steers, 1977; Wanous et al. 1984; Lo and Lam, 2002) have found a signi? cant relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Williams and Hazer (1986) demonstrated that job satisfaction could be predicted by pre-employment expectations, perceived job characteristics, leadership considerations, and age. Job satisfacti on signi? cantly and positively contributed to the outcomes of organizational commitment, which reduced employees’ intentions to leave and subsequently resulted in decreased turnover. Recent research on the restaurant industry conducted by Lam et al. (2001a,b) reported that the relationship between job satisfaction and job tenure ? a U-shaped model. When people entered an organization and/or job, job satisfaction decreased when job expectations were not met. At times, ‘‘reality shock’’ (Hughes, 1958) occurred. After such an experience, employees adjusted their expectations according to the reality of the job. During the course of this transition, job satisfaction increased when jobrelated expectations were reached. Rayton’s (2006) empirical research revealed that perceived levels of job reutilization and higher levels of work involvement, pay satisfaction, managerial support, and career opportunities were signi? ant determinants of employee jo b satisfaction. 2. 2. Role stress All employees, from senior managers to frontline personnel, can suffer from job stress (Ross, 1997). Human resources managers face a great challenge in attempting to ameliorate employee job stressors (Ngo et al. , 2005). Ngo et al. (2005) characterized role stressors in terms of role ambiguity, role con? ict, role overload, and work–family con? ict. These stressors can lead to such personal reactions as employee burnout, job dissatisfaction, and intentions to leave an organization. According to Karatepe and Sokmen (2006), role con? ict refers to situations characterized by incompatible demands in which employees feel obliged to attend to different individuals (e. g. , managers, colleagues, and customers) simultaneously; on the other hand, role ambiguity also refers to the experience of not having (or receiving) the information necessary for pursuing jobrelated tasks in the workplace. Much relevant research (e. g. , Brown and Peterson, 1993; Almer and Kaplan, 2002; Perrewe et al. , 2002; Siu et al. , 2002; Firth et al. , 2004; Ngo et al. 2005; Karatepe and Sokmen, 2006) has empirically con? rmed the association of a variety of work stressors, including role ambiguity and role con? ict, with lower job satisfaction, increased job-associated tension and anxiety, less affective commitment, lower work involvement, and poor job performance (Sohi, 1996; Karatepe and Sokmen, 2006), leading to intentions to resign. Accordingly, the following hypotheses are proposed: Hypo thesis 1. Role ambiguity negatively affects job satisfaction. Hypothesis 2. Role con? ict negatively affects job satisfaction. 2. 3. Burnout Gill et al. (2006) de? ed burnout as ‘‘a syndrome or state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion, as well as cynicism towards one’s work in response to chronic organizational stressors’’ (p. 471). Pienaar and Willemse (2008) demonstrated that burnout might be caused by unfair pay systems, imbalance between pay and work-related effort, and lack of organizational support, career advancement, and recognition by superiors. In addition, frontline hospitality employees sometimes encounter dif? cult interactions with demanding customers, and such experiences can also lead to emotional exhaustion and/or psychological burnout. Many empirical studies (e. . , Leiter and Maslach, 1988; Firth and Britton, 1989; Cordes and Dougherty, 1993; Turnipseed, 1994; Wright and Bonett, 1997; Etzion et al. , 1998; Maslach and Go ldberg, 1998; Van Dierendonck et al. , 1998; Gillespie et al. , 2001; Hsieh and Chao, 2004; Gill et al. , 2006; Pienaar and Willemse, 2008) have reported that burnout results in additional negative effects on individuals, including reduced satisfaction and lower levels of productivity. Burnout also impacts the organization and management by eliciting employee mistrust and discouraging teamwork. Thus, the following hypothesis is proposed: Hypothesis 3. Burnout negatively affects job satisfaction. 2. 4. Socialization Louis (1980) de? ned socialization as ‘‘a process by which an individual comes to appreciate the values, abilities, expected behaviors, and social knowledge essential for assuming an organizational role and for participating as an organizational member’’ (pp. 229–230). Socialization aims to alleviate the feeling of emotional vulnerability (e. g. , job uncertainty, ambiguity, anxiety, and stress) by strengthening the social interactions between newcomers and colleagues to accelerate newcomers’ learning and adjustment to a new environment (Kennedy and Berger, 1994).